Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography compiled by Stefan Blaschke |
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Start: Topical Index: Types: Rape:
Types: Rape: [Site] G e n e r a l [Info] Andersson, Ulrika, et al., eds. Rape Narratives in Motion. Cham 2019. [Info] Bischoff, Christine. »Eine Frage der Ehre? Zur Wirkmächtigkeit eines Emotionskonzepts im Kontext von "Rape and Revenge".« Rape and Revenge: Rache-Kulturen und sexualisierte Gewalt in intermedialer Perspektive / Revenge-cultures and sexualized violence in intermedial perspectives. Hamburg 2022. [Info] Bischoff, Christine. »Eine Frage der Ehre? Zur Wirkmächtigkeit eines Emotionskonzepts im Kontext von „Rape and Revenge“.« Rape and Revenge: Rache-Kulturen und sexualisierte Gewalt in intermedialer Perspektive. Edited by Christine Künzel et al. Göttingen 2024: 235-256. [Info] Bourke, Joanna. Disgrace: Global Reflections on Sexual Violence. London 2022. [Info] Bourke, Joanna, et al. »Disgrace: Global Reflections on Sexual Violence.« New Books in Women's History. New Books Network 2022. [Info] Cooke, Jennifer. »Resisting Victimhood in Contemporary Rape Narratives.« 2021 MLA Annual Convention. Vancouver 2021. [Info] Diver, Robin. »Fleeing from Rape: A Children's Tale? Adaptations of Daphne and Apollo.« Echoes: A Symposium on Classic-Modern Relations. Birmingham 2018. [Info] Diver, Robin. »Fleeing from Rape: A Children's Tale? Adaptations of Daphne and Apollo.« Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient History. London 2018. [Info] Diver, Robin. »Adapting Rape for Children: Modern Retellings of the Greek Myth of Daphne.« Annual British Comparative Literature Association Postgraduate Conference. Oxford 2020. [Info] Frauman, Ali. »Chasing Freyja: Abduction, Rape, and White Purity as Fantasy in the Nordic Alt-Right.« 54th International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo 2019. [Info] Killean, Rachel, et al. »Speaking Out: Feminism, Rape and Narrative Politics.« LawPod (May 29, 2019). [Info] Köhne, Julia B. »Sexuelle Gewalt und Rache in kulturellen Artefakten. Kommentar und Plädoyer.« Rape and Revenge: Rache-Kulturen und sexualisierte Gewalt in intermedialer Perspektive. Edited by Christine Künzel et al. Göttingen 2024: 297-310. [Info] Meek, Michele. »Seduction or Rape: Sexual Struggles in Teen Films.« 59th Annual Conference of the Society for Cinema and Media Studies. Toronto 2018. [Info] Miller, April. »Feminist Plasticity: Surgical Horror, Body Modification, and the Medicalization of Rape-Revenge Narratives.« 59th Annual Conference of the Society for Cinema and Media Studies. Toronto 2018. [Info] Parker, Louisa. »Autobiographical Content and the Legacy of Artemisia, or Why Should We Care If Someone Was Raped?« Comics Forum 2014. Leeds 2014. [Info] Serisier, Tanya. Speaking Out: Feminism, Rape and Narrative Politics. Cham 2018. [Info] Weigel, Moira. »Everybody’s Rape Memoirs: Consciousness Raising in the Age of #MeToo.« 10th Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of the Arts of the Present. New Orleans 2018. [Info] Wood, Isaac G. »Male Rape in Comedy Representation in the Family Film.« Sex and the Cinema: A Film Studies Journal Conference. Canterbury 2016. [Site] A f r i c a n H i s t o r y [Site] General
[Site] Algerian History
[Site] Burkinabe History
[Site] Burundian History
[Site] Congolese History
[Site] Ivorian History
[Site] Kenyan History
[Site] Liberian History
[Site] Malian History
[Site] Nigerian History
[Site] Senegalese History
[Site] Sierra Leonean History
[Site] South African History
[Info] Jamel, Joanna. »Do the Print Media Provide a Gendre-Biased Representation of Male Rape Victims?« Internet Journal of Criminology (January 2014). [Site] Sudanese History
[Site] Swazi History
[Site] Ugandan History
[Site] Zimbabwean History
[Info] Manyonganise, Molly. »Zimbabweans and the Prophetic Frenzy: Fertile Ground for Women's Sexual Abuse?« The Bible and Violence in Africa: Papers presented at the BiAS meeting 2014 in Windhoek (Namibia), with some additional contributions. Edited by Johannes Hunter et al. Bamberg 2016: 269-283. [Info] Marongwe, Ngonidzashe, et al. »Female Rapists and Sperm Harvesting: Narratives, Violence and Occultism in Post-colonial Zimbabwe.« Violence, Peace & Everyday Modes of Justices and Healing in Post-Colonial Africa. Edited by Ngonidzashe Marongwe et al. Bamenda 2019: 73-93. [Site] A m e r i c a n H i s t o r y [Site] Bolivian History
[Site] Brazilian History
[Info] Corgozinho, Kamila D. »Aborto Legal En Brasil: Un Estudio De La Legislación (2000-2017).« Serpos 1 (2024): 51-64. [Site] Canadian History
[Info] Pierce, Alexandra. »“Sexual Savages”: Christian Stereotypes and Violence Against North America’s Native Women.« Religion and Men's Violence Against Women. Edited by Andy J. Johnson. New York 2015: 63-97. [Info] Quinlan, Andrea. The Technoscientific Witness of Rape: Contentious Histories of Law, Feminism, and Forensic Science. Toronto 2017. [Site] Colombian History
[Site] Costa Rican History
[Site] Cuban History [Info] Rogers, Jamie. »Reading Rape as National Allegory: Constructions of Masculinity in Cuban and Mexican Film.« 56th Annual Conference of the Society for Cinema and Media Studies. Montreal 2015. [Site] Haitian History
[Site] Jamaican History
[Site] Mexican History
[Info] Angel Hernández, Greta E. »Terror through rape: Sexual violence inflicted in the context of the Mexican drug war.« Civitas Hominibus 18 (2023): 61-72. [Info] Rogers, Jamie. »Reading Rape as National Allegory: Constructions of Masculinity in Cuban and Mexican Film.« 56th Annual Conference of the Society for Cinema and Media Studies. Montreal 2015. [Site] Peruvian History
[Site] U.S. History [Info] Alper, Mariel, et al. Recidivism of Sex Offenders Released From State Prison: A 9-Year Follow-Up (2005-14). Washington, D.C. 2019. [Info] Colgan, Emily. »Let Him Romance You: Rape Culture and Gender Violence in Evangelical Christian Self-Help Literature.« Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. San Diego 2019. [Info] Fabijanska, Monika. »To Censor or to Teach: Educational Reflections on a Foundational Exhibition.« Gender Violence, Art, and the Viewer: An Intervention. Edited by Ellen C. Caldwell et al. University Park 2024: 138-149. [Info] Field, Robin E. Writing the Survivor: The Rape Novel in Late Twentieth-Century American Fiction. Clemson 2020. [Info] Fryd, Vivien G. »Anti-Rape and Anti-Incest Counternarratives: Art in the United States Since the 1960s and in the Wake of the #MeToo Movement.« Gender Violence, Art, and the Viewer: An Intervention. Edited by Ellen C. Caldwell et al. University Park 2024: 201-210. [Info] Funnell, Lisa, et al. »Introduction: The Promise of #MeToo as a Theoretical Lens.« Screening #MeToo: Rape Culture in Hollywood. Edited by Lisa Funnell et al. Albany 2022: 1-10. [Info] Gustafsson-Wood, Isaac. Male rape in film comedy: Representations in contemporary Hollywood. Doctoral Thesis, University of Southampton, 2019. [Info] Hildebrand, Sarah, chair. »Reading and Theorizing Rape Culture (Part 1).« 51st Annual Convention of the Northeast Modern Language Association. Boston 2020. [Info] Jamel, Joanna. »Do the Print Media Provide a Gendre-Biased Representation of Male Rape Victims?« Internet Journal of Criminology (January 2014). [Info] Loney-Howes, Rachel. Online Anti-Rape Activism: Exploring the Politics of the Personal in the Age of Digital Media. Bingley 2020. [Info] McConnell, Kelsey. »Trauma isn’t a Prop: Sexual Abuse in Comics.« ComicsVerse (July 30, 2017). [Info] Morse, Jaimie. »Legal mobilization in medicine: Nurses, rape kits, and the emergence of forensic nursing in the United States since the 1970s.« Social Science & Medicine 222 (2019): 323-334. [Info] O'Hara, Shannon E. A second violation: Rape myths in contemporary, popular British and American writing; and, The Alden case. Ph.D. Thesis, St Andrews University, 2014. [Info] Park, Minsu, et al. »Rap Music as a Social Reflection: Exploring the Relationship Between Social Conditions and Expressions of Violence and Materialism in Rap Lyrics.« Preprint (2024). [Info] Pierce, Alexandra. »“Sexual Savages”: Christian Stereotypes and Violence Against North America’s Native Women.« Religion and Men's Violence Against Women. Edited by Andy J. Johnson. New York 2015: 63-97. [Info] Pugh, Brandie. Reporting Rape by Victims and Third Parties: Evidence from the National Crime Victimization Survey (1992-2012). M.A. Thesis, University of Delaware, 2014. [Info] Pugh, Brandie. »Reporting Rape by Victims and Third Parties: Evidence From National Crime Victimization Survey (1992-2012).« Annual Graduate Student Forum at the University of Delaware. Newark 2014. [Info] Pugh, Brandie. »Reporting rape by victims and third parties: Evidence from National Crime Victimization Survey (1992-2012).« 70th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology. San Francisco 2014. [Info] Pugh, Brandie. »Reporting Rape by Victims and Third Parties: Evidence From National Crime Victimization Survey (1992-2012).« Powerful Partnerships: 20 Years of the Violence Against Women Act and the Path Ahead. Newark 2014. [Info] Sood, Asmita, et al. »Cultural History of Sexual Violence.« Talking Research (January 8, 2020). [Info] Włodarek, Aleksandra. The portrayal of rape in the American press: A critical discourse analysis. Master Thesis, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, 2020. [Site] A s i a n H i s t o r y [Site] Afghan History
[Info] Wimpelmann, Torunn. Adultery, rape, and escaping the house: The protection and policing of female sexuality in Afghanistan. Bergen 2017. [Site] Arabic History
[Site] Bangladeshi History
[Site] Burmese History
[Site] Chinese History
[Info] Chen, Sirong. Legalizing Sex Industries or Not? A Comparison of the Growth Rate of Sexual Crimes and STDS among China Mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan. M.Sc. Thesis, Johns Hopkins University, 2019. [Info] Tsai, Yan-Wen, et al. »????????????.« Xin wen xue yan jiu No. 128 (2016): 85-134. [Site] Indonesian History
[Site] Indian History
[Info] Greeshma, D. »Misogyny in Malayalam Films.« International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 11 (2021): 7-15. [Info] Kathuria, Poonam. »Changing laws and unchanging statistics: Rape and rape laws in India.« Needs No Introduction. rabble podcast network, 2014. [Info] Mathews, Maria, et al. »Detecting spatial and spatio-temporal clusters of rape in India, 2011–2020.« GeoJournal 89 (2024). [Info] McFarland, Ashley. »Naked Fury and Weaponized Shame, the Meira Paibi Story.« Annual Meeting of the National Women's Studies Association. San Francisco 2019. [Site] Iraqi History
[Site] Israeli History
[Site] Japanese History
[Site] Korean History
[Site] Lebanese History
[Site] Libyan History
[Site] Nepalese History
[Site] Pakistani History
[Site] Palestinian History
[Site] Sri Lancan History
[Site] Syrian History
[Site] Tajik History
[Site] Turkish History
[Site] E u r o p e a n H i s t o r y [Site] Austrian History
[Info] Tranchese, Alessia. From Fritzl to #metoo: Twelve Years of Rape Coverage in the British Press. Cham 2023. [Site] Belgian History
[Site] Danish History [Info] Uhnoo, Sara, et al. »The wave of consent-based rape laws in Europe.« International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice 77 (2024): 1-16. [Site] Belgian History
[Site] Danish History
[Site] Dutch History
[Site] English History
[Info] Jamel, Joanna. »Do the Print Media Provide a Gendre-Biased Representation of Male Rape Victims?« Internet Journal of Criminology (January 2014). [Info] Monckton-Smith, Jane. Deconstructing the House that Jack Built: An Examination of the Discursive Regime of Sexual Murder. Ph.D. Thesis, Cardiff University, 2006. [Info] Monckton-Smith, Jane. Relating Rape and Murder: Narratives of Sex, Death and Gender. New York 2010. [Info] O'Hara, Shannon E. A second violation: Rape myths in contemporary, popular British and American writing; and, The Alden case. Ph.D. Thesis, St Andrews University, 2014. [Info] Sood, Asmita, et al. »Cultural History of Sexual Violence.« Talking Research (January 8, 2020). [Site] Finnish History
[Info] Vuorela, Miikka. »The historical criminal statistics of Finland 1842-2015: A systematic comparision to Sweden.« International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice 42 (2018): 95-117. [Site] French History
[Site] German History
[Info] Fryszer, Lina A., et al. »Sexually assaulted women: Results of a retrospective analysis of 850 women in Germany.« European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 250 (2020): 117-123. [Info] Uhnoo, Sara, et al. »The wave of consent-based rape laws in Europe.« International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice 77 (2024): 1-16. [Site] Greek History [Info] Uhnoo, Sara, et al. »The wave of consent-based rape laws in Europe.« International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice 77 (2024): 1-16. [Site] Icelandic History [Info] Bragadóttir, Ragnhei?ur. »Legislation on the offence of rape in Icelandic criminal law.« Bergen Journal of Criminal Law and Criminal Justice 8 (2020): 54-77. [Site] Irish History
[Info] Earner-Byrne, Lindsey, et al. The Irish Abortion Journey, 1920-2018. Cham 2019. [Info] Jamel, Joanna. »Do the Print Media Provide a Gendre-Biased Representation of Male Rape Victims?« Internet Journal of Criminology (January 2014). [Site] Italian History
[Info] Vitale, Antonella. Fuitina: Love, Sex, and Rape in Modern Italy, 1945-Present. Ph.D. Thesis, City University of New York, 2020. [Site] Norwegian History [Info] Jacobsen, Jørn, et al. »Reforming the rape offence in Norwegian criminal law.« Bergen Journal of Criminal Law and Criminal Justice 8 (2020): 78-94. [Site] Polish History [Info] Jurczak, Aleksandra. Przestępstwo zgwałcenia w świetle prawa kanonicznego Kościoła Katolickiego i prawa polskiego. Master Thesis, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, 2018. [Info] Kościańska, Agnieszka. »The Medicalization of Rape: Regulating Female Sexuality through Expert Discourse and Court Practices in Poland from the 1970s to Present.« Sexual Cultures: Theory, Practice, Research. London 2012. [Info] Kościańska, Agnieszka. »„Nie” znaczy „tak”? Dyskurs ekspercki na temat przemocy seksualnej wobec kobiet w prasie polskiej od lat 70. XX w. do dzi?.« Zeszytach Etnologii Wroc?awskiej 16 (2012): 37-53. [Info] Kościańska, Agnieszka. »Gender on Trial: Changes in Legal and Discursive Practices Concerning Sexual Violence in Poland from the 1970s to the Present.« Ethnologia Europaea 50 (2020): 111-127. [Info] Kościańska, Agnieszka. Gender, Pleasure, and Violence. The Construction of Expert Knowledge of Sexuality in Poland. Bloomington 2021. [Site] Portuguese History [Info] Ventura, Isabel. Medusa no Palácio da Justiça: Imagens sobre mulheres, sexualidade e violência a partir dos discursos e práticas judiciais. Tese de Doutoramento, Universidade do Minho, 2016. [Info] Ventura, Isabel. Medusa no Palácio da Justiça ou Uma História da Violação Sexual. Lisbon 2018. [Site] Romanian History
[Site] Russian History
[Site] Scottish History
[Site] Swiss History
[Site] Slovene History [Info] Uhnoo, Sara, et al. »The wave of consent-based rape laws in Europe.« International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice 77 (2024): 1-16. [Site] Spanish History
[Info] Uhnoo, Sara, et al. »The wave of consent-based rape laws in Europe.« International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice 77 (2024): 1-16. [Site] Swedish History
[Info] Andersson, Ulrika, et al. »Contesting Contemporary Case Law: Narratives of Rape in Cases from the Supreme Court of Sweden 1988-2013.« 11th European Social Scinece History Conference. Valencia 2016. [Info] Bergenheim, Åsa. »Gränsen för det otillåtna: Om synen på våldtäkt i Sverige 1950-2010.« Antologi: Sju perspektiv på våldtäkt. Uppsala 2010: 10-30. [Info] Bladini, Moa, et al. »Swedish rape legislation from use of force to voluntariness: Critical reflections from an everday life perspective.« Bergen Journal of Criminal Law and Criminal Justice 8 (2020): 95-125. [Info] Bytyqi, Selim. Samtyckeregleringens vara eller icke vara: Vilka skäl talar för respektive emot en samtyckesbaserad regleringsmodell? B.A. Thesis, Lunds universitet, 2016. [Info] Dani, Maide. The Right to Engage or Refrain: A qualitative study on the debate regarding sexual crime legislation in Sweden since 1965. Bachelor Thesis, Malmö universitet, 2019. [Info] Edgren, Monika. »Tala tillbaka, tala som ”other” i domstolsnarrativ om våldtäkt: Några nedslag under de senaste decennierna.« Tidskrift för genusvetenskap 39 (2018): 116-135. [Info] Johansson, Max. SOU och sexualitet: Diskursen kring sexuella övergrepp i fyra offentliga utredningar, 1976–2016. Thesis, Lunds universitet, 2019. [Info] Karlsson, Lena. »Online Autobiographical Narratives of Sexual Violence.« 11th European Social Scinece History Conference. Valencia 2016. [Info] Nilsson, Gabriella. »Rape in the News: Narratives of Victim and Perpetrator of Sexual Violence in Swedish News Media, 1990-2015.« 11th European Social Scinece History Conference. Valencia 2016. [Info] Stiernströmer, Emelie, et al. »Characteristics of convicted male-on-female rapists in the South of Sweden between 2013 and 2018: A pilot study.« Forensic Sciences Research (May 25, 2020). [Info] Vuorela, Miikka. »The historical criminal statistics of Finland 1842-2015: A systematic comparision to Sweden.« International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice 42 (2018): 95-117. [Site] Ukrainian History
[Site] Welsh History
[Site] O c e a n i a n H i s t o r y [Site] Australian History
[Info] Donaghy, Madeline. Restorative Justice for Cases of Sexual Violence: A Literature Review. Brisbane 2020. [Info] Jamel, Joanna. »Do the Print Media Provide a Gendre-Biased Representation of Male Rape Victims?« Internet Journal of Criminology (January 2014). [Info] Kennedy, Jessica, et al. »How protected is she? "Fairness" and the rape victim witness in Australia.« Women's Studies International Forum 35 (2012): 334-342. [Info] Sullivan, Barbara. »Rape, Prostitution and Consent.« Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology 40 (2007): 127-142. [Info] Waterhouse-Watson, Deb. »Framing the Victim: Sexual Assault and Australian Footballers on Television.« Australian Feminist Studies 27 (2012): 55-70. [Info] Waterhouse-Watson, Deb. Athletes, Sexual Assault, and "Trials by Media": Narrative Immunity. New York 2013. [Info] Waterhouse-Watson, Deb. Football and Sexual Crime, from the Courtroom to the Newsroom: Transforming Narratives. Cham 2019. [Site] New Zealand History
[Info] Barton, Angela M. It’s The Same Old Story: Rape Representation in New Zealand Newspapers (1975 - 2015). Master Thesis, Victoria University of Wellington, 2017. [Info] Sullivan, Barbara. »Rape, Prostitution and Consent.« Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology 40 (2007): 127-142. [Info] Zydervelt, Sarah, et al. »Lawyers' Strategies for Cross-Examining Rape Complainants: Have We Moved Beyong the 1950s?« British Journal of Criminology 57 (2017): 551-569. [Site] Solomon Islands History